unchahar news,RaeBareli ! With the efforts of former minister and MLA Dr. Manoj Kumar Pandey, an underpass will be built at the railway crossing at Unchahar on Lucknow-Prayagraj Highway. Approval has been received after meeting the Union Railway Minister. Work will start soon for this. This will benefit traders as well as common people.
The NHAI made a flyover permanently closing the crossing gate on the Lucknow-Prayagraj NH 30 on the railway cossing built in Unchahar Town, which led to a big problem for the traders and common citizens of Unchahar Town, Kasba Khazanpur, Baherawa, Khurarampur and Kharauli Road. On 12 February, the MLA met Union Railway Minister Ashwani Vaishnav and requested to build a town underpass near the railway crossing.
On the orders of the Railway Minister, the Divisional Railway Manager has sent a letter to the MLA and informed about the approval of the underpass construction. Also assured to start underpass work soon. For a long time, there was a continuous demand for ordinary citizens and traders on this subject. Many times there was a picket and demonstration. Traders and local people have thanked the MLA on the approval of the underpass.