Jhatpat Connection Registration: Quick connection scheme for electricity connection started in UP, how to get connection

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17 Min Read

Jhatpat Connection Registration has been implemented, due to which a new electricity connection is easily provided to the citizens in the state.

Through this important of today, we are giving you complete information about how it is applied for UPPCL Jhatpat Connection Registration and how to get the benefit of this scheme here, so read our article to complete and end so that you are giving full information here. Complete information related to instant electricity connection scheme can be obtained.

What is Jhatpat Connection Registration

In Uttar Pradesh, citizens can easily get electricity connection and can apply online sitting at home, the  Jhatpat Connection Registration process has been implemented by UPPCL.

Due to this quick connection scheme, you can register for online new connection from home. Under the instant connection scheme you have to pay how much money you have to pay here.

Application fee for Jhatpat Connection Registration

Processing fees on 1KW connections to the citizens of rural areas ₹ 60 Securized amount ₹ 100 Labor Expenditure Rs 100 meter, Rs 872 and other charges are Rs 184, Rs 184, Rs 1306 and the total amount depositing Rs 1365 is Rs 1365.

Processing fees on 1KW connection for urban area Rs 59 The OF 300 Labor charge Rs 398 meter charge Rs 872 maximum distance 40m and overhead charge for depositing Rs 229 tomorrow Rs 1858 for depositing Rs 229.

 Jhatpat Connection Registration required documents

To apply instant connection, you must have the following documents in which, your Aadhaar card, your passport size two photos, your mobile number if BPL card is BPL card then BPL card.

How to register  Jhatpat Connection



Applicant Registration


Enter the sum of digits shown in above image (e.g. 2+3= 5)


Applicant Login


Sr. No. Name of Portal  (New Connection Progress Report) View/Download
1. Jhatpat Connection (Domestic and Commercial) View/Download
2. Nivesh Mitra Connection (Ease of Doing Business) View/Download
3. PTW Connection (Private Tube Well) View/Download

The biggest advantage available under the instant electricity connection scheme is that you are given electricity connection within 10 days.

Welcome to UPPCL

The creation of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) on January 14, 2000 is the result of power sector reforms and restructuring in UP (India) which is the focal point of the Power Sector, responsible for planning and managing the sector through its transmission, distribution and supply of electricity.

UPPCL will be professionally managed utility supplying reliable and cost efficient electricity to every citizen of the state through highly motivated employees and state of art technologies, providing an economic return to our owners and maintaining leadership in the country.

UPPCL will be professionally managed utility supplying reliable and cost efficient electricity to every citizen of the state through highly motivated employees and state of art technologies, providing an economic return to our owners and maintaining leadership in the country.

We shall achieve this being a dynamic, forward looking, reliable, safe and trustworthy organization, sensitive to our customers interests, profitable and sustainable in the long run, providing uninterrupted supply of quality power, with transparency and integrity in operation  :


High productivity reflected in a fair, equitable and cost based tariff across consumer categories, accurate and timely billing on a rational, comprehensible billing basis reflecting actual consumption, and convenient system for payment of dues. Simple and well-advertised procedures, guaranteed connection of requested load within reasonable time, prompt breakdown attendance, and efficient complaint handling.

Timely actions based on anticipation of the future & perspective planning, and clear communication on customer issues.


A secure and well managed asset, corporate governance in line with Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee recommendations, a business growing organically and through diversification, and satisfied stakeholders.


Opportunities for career growth and development, pride in the organization, and a sense of belongingness, with the ability to contribute to the organization. Well defined service conditions and full compliance with labour laws. Accountability and responsibility for actions including performance incentives based on fair and transparent assessment and compensation in line with the best in the industry, and an increased sense of security based on the increased success of the organization.


The equitable satisfaction of all stakeholders, ensuring the long-term stability of the section and an adherence to regulations and guidelines issued by the regulator, including inter alias compliance with license conditions, furnishing accurate and timely information, ensuring techno-economic feasibility of investments, and an effective consumer grievance redressed systems.


Sustained growth and profitability, sound economic appraisal of projects to be undertaken, security of loan and timely servicing of debts, and timely publication of audited financial statements, including sound accounting & financial practice in accordance with law.


Implementation of reform legislation and of all government policies and directives as far as is practical, applying public funding and subsidies to the intended category of consumers. Compliance with the rule of law and electrical safety rules. The satisfaction of stakeholders.

In return government will assist us by ensuring law and order and enforcement and assistance with revenue realization.


Transparent and efficient procedures for tendering and timely ordering and settlement in adherence with commercial agreements.


Reliable and secure system operations in accordance with grid code, 0.2 class metering, and timely readings, an Integrated Information system to provide fast and accurate interface data, timely settlement observing proper commercial agreements between entities, and adherence to system operating procedures in terms of merit order dispatch, security, etc.


Effective communication of policies and procedures, a reliable supply to essential public services, enforcing adequate safety norms and environmental and social norms, minimizing inconvenience dare to disruptions etc.

We shall be a diversified business with a core function of providing quality, uninterrupted power, commercial focus considering all techno-economic issues of investments, and a high level of consumer service with new connections on demand and low complaint resolution times. Diversifications shall include optic fiber based activities, consultancy, manufacture, and repairs, and we shall have a diversified investment portfolio around the globe.

We shall satisfy all stakeholders including the regulator.

We shall be a global industry Leader working in close cooperation with other utilities supporting self-sustained growth through financially viable business units and technological leadership, providing a world class cost of supply, and world class profits, doubling turnover every 5 years. We shall function independently; implementing prudent safety and environment norms, with a cost of supply based tariff, without external interference, in a transparent corruption free operating environment, in compliance with statutory requirements. We shall add value to our shareholders, safeguard the environment, and maintain our asset base. We shall maintain a strong image with the general public.

We shall measure success on global standards, e.g.

Parameter Measurement
Reliability of supply 99.50%
Technical losses 10%
Commercial losses 2%
Collection efficiency 97%
Billing efficiency 100%
Employee cost 25 p/u

We shall have a Long-term dynamic vision based on strong perspective planning. We shall have sophisticated procedures including online billing, online queries and e-Business functions.

We shall have the most motivated, Satisfied and best-trained employees with full competence in all key areas optimally deployed and the most satisfied customers in the sector.

Our Supply quality shall be: 2% variation in voltage and 0.5 Hz variation in frequency, with Fault repairs in 1 to 2 hours and redressal of 100% and new connections will be made on demand.


List of 88 Enforcement Team

1 Ghaziabad-I 9454402688 vegzb1@gmail.com
2 Ghaziabad-II 9454402690 vigilancegzb2@gmail.com
3 Ghaziabad-III 8887156386 parivartandalthreegzb@gmail.com
4 Gautam Budh Nagar-I 9454402689 noidavigilance@gmail.com
5 Gautam Budh Nagar-II 8887156481 parivartandal2noida@gmail.com
6 Hapur 8887156572 vigiuppclhapur@gmail.com
7 Bulandshahr 9454402682 vigilancebsr@gmail.com
8 Moradabad-I 9454402702 vigilancembd18@gmail.com
9 Moradabad-II 8887156626 vigmbd2@gmail.com
10 Rampur 8887156635 vigilancerpr2020@gmail.com
11 Sambhal 8887156761 vigilancesambhal@gmail.com
12 Amroha 8887156691 vigilanceamroha@gmail.com
13 Meerut City 9454402700 mrtcity786@gmail.com
14 Meerut Dehat 9454402701 mrtdehat786@gmail.com
15 Bagpat 8887156781 pravartandalbpt@gmail.com
16 Muzffar Nagar 9454402703 mzncity786@gmail.com
17 Shamli 8887156793 pdshamli11@gmail.com
18 Saharanpur 9454402704 vigiliancesre@gmail.com
19 Bijnor 9454402668 bijnorvijilence@gmail.com
20 Agra 9454402675 vigilanceagra18@gmail.com
21 Hathras 8887156803 vigilancehathras@gmail.com
22 Firozabad 9454402686 inspve.firozabad@gmail.com
23 Mainpuri 8887156807 vijeelancemainpuri@gmail.com
24 Mathura 9454402698 vijilenceofficemtr123@gmail.com
25 Aligarh 9454402677 inspvigilance5682@gmail.com
26 Kasganj 8887156831 vigilancekasganj@gmail.com
27 Etah 8887156817 vigilanceofficeetah@gmail.com
28 Bareilly-I 9454402680 bareillyvigilance138@gmail.com
29 Bareilly-II 8887156883 pravertandal2ndbly@gmail.com
30 Badaun 9454402681 vigilancebdn@gmail.com
31 Shahjahanpur 8887156885 shavigilance@gmail.com
32 Pilibhit 8887156893 vigilanceteampbt@gmail.com
33 Lesa-I 9454402671 vigilencelesa1@gmail.com
34 Lesa-II 9454402670 velesa2lucknow@gmail.com
35 Lesa-III 8887156832 lesa3.meet@gmail.com
36 Raibarelly 9454402672 vigilancerbl@gmail.com
37 Amethi 8887156840 amethipravartan123@gmail.com
38 Barabanki 8887156837 vigilanceuppclbbk@gmail.com
39 Unnao 8887156836 pravartandalunnao@gmail.com
40 Ayodhya 9454402684 ayodhyavig@gmail.com
41 Sultanpur 8887156857 vigilancesultanpur@gmail.com
42 Gonda 8887156610 vigilancegonda@gmail.com
43 Balrampur 8887156866 pravartandalbalrampur@gmail.com
44 Ambedkar nagar 8887156608 vigilanceambedkarnagar@gmail.com
45 Bahraich 8887156612 uppclvigilancebah@gmail.com
46 Shravasti 8887156613 prawartandalshrawasti@gmail.com
47 Sitapur 9454402705 vigilancesitapur@gmail.com
48 Hardoi 8887156606 pravartandalhdi@gmail.com
49 Lakhimpur khiri 8887156607 vigilancelmp2018@gmail.com
50 Varanasi-I 9454402707 varanasienfopcl@gmail.com
51 Varanasi-II 8887156617 varanasienforcement2@gmail.com
52 Jaunpur 9454402673 vigilancejaunpur@gmail.com
53 Bhadohi 8887156618 vigilancebdi@gmail.com
54 Gajipur 8887156914 pravartandalgzp888@gmail.com
55 Chandauli 8887157017 chanbaulivigilence@gmail.com
56 Mirjapur 8887156945 vigilancemzp@gmail.com
57 Sonbhadra 8887156957 sonbhadraenforcement2@gmail.com
58 Gorakhpur-I 9454402669 vigilanceeam347@gmail.com
59 Gorakhpur-II 8887157142 gorakhpurenforcement2@gmail.com
60 Mahrajganj 8887157147 maharajganjenforcement@gmail.com
61 Basti 9454402692 vigilancebasti@gmail.com
62 Sant kabir Nagar 8887157151 santkabeernagar2@gmail.com
63 Deoria 8887157174 vigilancedeoria@gmail.com
64 Kushi Nagar 8887157292 kushinagarenforcement@gmail.com
65 Azamgarh 9454402667 vigilianceazm@gmail.com
66 Mau 8887157089 pravartandalmau@gmail.com
67 Ballia 8887157096 baliaenforcement@gmail.com
68 Sidharth Nagar 8887157156 sidharthnagarvigilance@gmail.com
69 Prayagraj-I 9454402674 vigilanceprayagrajuppcl@gmail.com
70 Prayagraj-II 8887157355 parvartandal2pyr@gmail.com
71 Fatehpur 9454402678 fatehpurpravartandal@gmail.com
72 Kaushambi 8887157540 kaushambienforcement@gmail.com
73 Pratapgarh 8887157571 vigilancepbh@gmail.com
74 Kesa-I 9454402697 kesaraid1st@gmail.com
75 Kesa-II 9454402696 kesaraid2@gmail.com
76 Kesa-III 8887157592 pravartandalkesa3@gmail.com
77 Kanpur Dehat 9454402695 prabhariparvartandalknpd@gmail.com
78 Etawa 8887157604 etwvig@gmail.com
79 Auraiya 8887157618 enforcementsquadaur@gmail.com
80 Kannuaj 8887157629 prabharipravartandalkannauj@gmail.com
81 Fatehgarh 8887157648 vigelanceteamfgh1020@gmail.com
82 Banda 9454402683 prabharipravartandalbanda@gmail.com
83 Chitrakoot 8887157661 prabharivigilanceck05@gmail.com
84 Mahoba 8887157834 inspvemba@gmail.com
85 Hamirpur 8887157842 vigilencehmr@gmail.com
86 Jhansi 9454402693 inspvejsi@gmail.com
87 Lalitpur 8887157897 enfltp999@gmail.com
88 Jalaun 8887157924 uppclvijilancejalaun@gmail.com
List of 75 ElectricityTheft Police Stations
1 Ghaziabad 8887154898 psantipowertheftgzb@gmail.com
2 Gautam Budh Nagar 8887154852 aptpsgbnagar@gmail.com
3 Bulandshaher 8887154767 aptpsbhr@gmail.com
4 Hapur 8887154958 aptpshapur@gmail.com
5 Amroha 8887154672 aptpsamroha@gmail.com
6 Moradabad 8887155792 aptpsmbd@gmail.com
7 Rampur 8887155873 aptpsrpr22@gmail.com
8 Sambhal 8887156021 aptps.sambhal@gmail.com
9 Meerut 8887155652 aptpsmeerut@gmail.com
10 Bagpat 8887154689 aptbaghpat@gmail.com
11 Saharanpur 8887155993 aptpssrr@gmail.com
12 Shamli 8887156224 aptshamli@gmail.com
13 Muzffar Nagar 8887155802 aptpsmuzf@gmail.com
14 Bijnor 8887154724 aptbijnor@gmail.com
15 Agra 8887154641 psantipowertheftagra1@gmail.com
16 Aligarh 8887154653 aptpsaligarh@gmail.com
17 Mathura 8887155624 antipowertheftmathura@gmail.com
18 Firozabad 8887154843 psantipowertheftfzd6@gmail.com
19 Hathras 8887155003 psantipowerthefthrs4@gmail.com
20 Mainpuri 8887155406 antipowerthheptmainpuri@gmail.com
21 Etah 8887154807 antipowertheftpsetah@gmail.com
22 Kasganj 8887155077 psantipowertheftksj5@gmail.com
23 Lucknow 8887156300 aptpslko1@gmail.com
24 Barabanki 8887154649 aptpsbbk5@gmail.com
25 Amethi 8887154669 aptpsamethi@gmail.com
26 Raebareli 8887155851 aptpsrbl9819@gmail.com
27 Unnao 8887156320 aptpsunnao@gmail.com
28 Sitapur 8887156295 aptsitapur@gmail.com
29 Lakhimpur Khiri 8887155260 aptpslmp@gmail.com
30 Hardoi 8887155813 apthardoi@gmail.com
31 Pilibhit 8887155813 aptpbt@gmail.com
32 Ambedkar Nagar 8887154660 aptambedkarnagar@gmail.com
33 Ayodhya 8887154818 aptayodhya2020@gmail.com
34 Gonda 8887154947 aptgda@gmail.com
35 Balrampur 8887154695 aptbalrampur@gmail.com
36 Bahraich 8887154690 aptbahraich@gmail.com
37 Sravasti 8887156246 aptpsshravasti@gmail.com
38 Sultanpur 8887156319 uppcl.aptpssultanpur6319@gmail.com
39 Bareily 8887154702 aptpsbly@gmail.com
40 Badaun 8887154741 aptps.bdn@gmail.com
41 Shahjahanpur 8887156211 uppcl.apt.ps.spn@gmail.com
42 Varanasi 8887156331 aptpsvns@gmail.com
43 Gorakhpur 8887154948 psantipowertheftgkp@gmail.com
44 Chandauli 8887154790 aptpscdi@gmail.com
45 Bhadohi 8887154722 aptpsbhadohi@gmail.com
46 Mirzapur 8887155787 aptmzp2673@gmail.com
47 Azamgarh 8887854815 aptpsazamgarh@gmail.com
48 Jaunpur 8887155040 aptpsjaunpur@gmail.com
49 Sonbhaadra 8887155294 aptpssonbhadra@gmail.com
50 Gajipur 8887154932 aptpsghazipur@gmail.com
51 Basti 8887154716 aptpsbasti1@gmail.com
52 Maharajganj 8887155347 aptpsmaharajganj@gmail.com
53 Sant Kabir Nagar 8887156045 soaptpsskn@gmail.com
54 Deoria 8887154806 aptpsdeoria@gmail.com
55 Kushinagar 8887155228 antipowertheftthanakushinagar@gmail.com
56 Mau 8887155632 aptpsmau8@gmail.com
57 Sidharthnagar 8887156275 aptthanasiddharthnagar@gmail.com
58 Ballia 8887154680 aptpsballia@gmail.com
59 Prayagraj 8887154654 aptpsprayagraj@gmail.com
60 Fatehpur 8887154832 fhr.ps.apt@gmail.com
61 Pratapgarh 8887155830 aptpspratapgarh@gmail.com
62 Kaushambi 8887155114 aptpskaushambi@gmail.com
63 Kanpur Nagar 8887155076 aptpsknc@gmail.com
64 Kanpur Dehat 9454402695 uppclaptpskd2695@gmail.com
65 Chitrakoot 8887154800 aptpsckt8@gmail.com
66 Jalaun 8887155006 antipowertheftjalaun123@gmail.com
67 Jhansi 8887155061 aptpsjsi@gmail.com
68 Lalitpur 8887155279 aptpslalitpur@gmail.com
69 Auraiya 8887154680 antipwrthpt@gmail.com
70 Hamirpur 8887154953 vigilencehmr@gmail.com
71 Etawa 8887154814 prabhariantipowertheptetawah@gmail.com
72 Fatehgarh 8887154819 soaptfategarh@gmail.com
73 Kannauj 8887155068 antypowertheftkannauj@gmail.com
74 Mahoba 8887155401 soantipowertheftmba@gmail.com
75 Banda 8887154697 aptpsbanda321@gmail.com


Toll Free Numbers

  • For any query or information related to Electricity, Please Contact on 1912
  • PUVVNL1800-180-5025
  • MVVNL1800-1800-440
  • PVVNL1800-180-3002
  • DVVNL1800-180-3023
  • KESCO1800-180-1912
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