You will be surprised to know the advantages and disadvantages of kissing the partner, do you know this? – Kiss Day 2025

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Kiss Day 2025: Valentine’s Day is being celebrated all over the world. Every day of this Valentine week lasting a week has special significance. Starting from Rose Day, this week ends on Valentine’s Day. The seventh day of this week is which day. This day will be celebrated on 13 February. This day is special for loving couples. It is said that kissing each other on this day makes the bond of love strong.

Kissing is a way to express emotions. Kissing not only keeps you physically healthy, but it is also good for mental health. Kisses emit chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin in the brain. But do you know that there are many disadvantages along with the advantages of this kiss to express emotions. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of kissing …

Let me tell you, 80 million bacteria are exchanged with a kiss. Some of these bacteria are good for the body, while others are harmful. Harmful bacteria cause many health problems.

Benefits of kissing:

Increases immunity: One study has found that kisses increase immunity. Because when we kiss our partner, saliva is made in our mouth. This saliva cleanses the plaque with teeth. It also helps in removing particles that causing cavity stuck in teeth. Also, good bacteria are exchanged by the partner’s saliva. As a result, immunity increases.
Kisses help to keep you happy: When you kiss, the brain releases chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. This helps you to work as per your wish. It also reduces the level of cortisol (stress hormone). These hormones of happiness help control the mood swing.
Burn calories: Kissing for two to three minutes causes calorie burn. Apart from this, kissing also improves digestion. As a result, the weight of oxygen in the body increases due to weight loss and increased heart rate and the rate of calories also increases.
Controls stress and anxiety: kisses help reduce the level of cortisol. This increases your confidence and reduces the level of stress.
Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels: Kissing can be beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Because kisses increase heart rate and improve blood flow. As a result, it helps reduce blood pressure.

Side effects of kissing

Cytomegalovirus: Cytomegalovirus or CMV is a common virus. It can have a serious effect on people whose immune system is weak. According to a study by the National Library of Medicine, once it enters the body, this virus remains in the body for life. This infection spreads through the blood, saliva, urine or other physical fluids of the infected person.

Herpes: It is an infectious disease. Which is caused by a virus called herpes simplex. Which affects the skin of external genitalia and other parts of the body. Herpes infection causes itching, painful blisters, rashes or blisters on the genitals and other parts of the body. This infection is spread by sharing normal objects such as kissing, toothbrush, utensils or sexual relations.

According to NIH, most people suffering from herpes infection are unaware of it. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses. One is HSV-1 and the other is HSV-2. HSV-1 is mostly in childhood. If you come in contact with an infected person, you may get this disease. The main cause of ringworm on the face or eyes is HSV-1. Although HSV-2 can infect the mouth or eyes, it is most found on the genitals.

Syphilis: syphilis is a type of bacterial infection. Which is caused by a bacterium called traponema palidam. This transition spreads through kissing or sexual contact. This disease causes painless blisters on the skin. Which can occur in the genitals, anus and even lips and mouths. If this disease is detected on time, then its treatment is easy. However, if it is not treated, syphilis can also affect the brain, nervous system and other organs including the heart.

According to NIH, syphilis can also spread through kissing. Kissing with a person suffering from syphilis can cause oral infection. Therefore, kissing with syphilis patient should also be avoided to prevent infection.

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