Vermi Compost Business: Earthworm manure business starts, you will earn 20 lakh rupees in a year

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Vermi Compost Business: If you are a farmer then earthworm manure or vermi compost business will prove to be very beneficial for you. In this, apart from farming, you can earn millions annually by selling earthworm manure. In today’s time, many farmers are leaving chemical farming and moving towards organic farming.

And using organic manure in their fields. But there are still some farmers who are not aware of the benefits of vermi compost so that they are not doing organic farming. In this business, you can earn well by using less space. Use of earthworm manure is necessary for organic farming.

Due to which its demand is increasing a lot. Its demand is not only limited to the fields, but the person doing nursery plant also needs organic manure. In view of the demand for this business, you can start a Vermi Compost Business.

In this post, we will know what is a vermi compost business and how to start (How to Start Vermicompost Business). Also how to marketing it to increase sales. To know the information of all these things, definitely read this article till the end.

What is Vermi Compost? 

Vermi compost or earthworm manure is an organic manure. Which is used to make the soil fertile. It is used a lot for organic farming. This fertilizer is rich in many nutrients. Due to which there is a lot of demand in agricultural work.

This manure is prepared with the help of earthworms found in the soil. If said, the whole game is of earthworm. To prepare earthworm manure, the remaining peels of fruits and vegetables, leaves of trees, dung, etc. are given to eat earthworms.

The earthworm converts these things and converts into fertilizer by eating and rotten. This fertilizer is called earthworm manure or vermi compost. It is naturally prepared manure, which does not cause any harm to the environment.

Earthworms required to make earthworm manure and machinery

The following things are used as raw materials to make vermi compost.

Cow dung, crop leaf and stem, weed leaves, rotten street vegetables, garden leaves, garbage, wood bark, fruits and vegetable peels, other waste materials
Vermi beds, stubble, earthworm, packing bags to shade vermi beds




Cutter machine to cut into small pieces of organic residue
Weighing machine
Machine to mix organic matter
Packing machine
Hazara to spray water
Benefits of earthworm manure

Vermi compost has many benefits like-

Vermi compost helps in increasing the fertility of soil and also enhances air circulation in the soil.
The use of earthworm manure increases the quality of crops, apart from this, diseases in crops are also reduced.
Its use increases the ability to absorb soil water.
It is environmentally friendly by which there is no harm to the environment.
Earthworm manure prevents harmful kits from growing in soil.
Vermi compost increases nutrients in soil. Which helps in early growing crops.
Its special thing is that due to its use, weeds in the fields are very few, so that the crops grow well. At the same time, their ability to fight against diseases also increases.
In the fields, the fertility of the soil has reduced by the use of chemicals, in such a situation you can increase the fertility of the fields again.
The plant planted in pot is green using earthworm manure. And develops quickly.

Earthworm fertilizer

According to crops, the amount of use of earthworm manure varies. Let us know how much quantity of earthworm manure should be added for different crops.

Quantity of crop fertilizer
Grain crop 2 ton/acre
3 to 5 tons/acre
Dal 2 tons/acre
Cash crops 5 tons/acre
Spice crop 4 tons/acre (2 to 10 kg/plant)
Fruit tree 2 to 3 kg/tree
Plantation crops 5 kg/plant
Shakri crop 4 to 6 tons/acre
Shobrious plants 4 tons/acre

How to Start Vermi Compost Business

Method of making vermi compost: You will need about 100 square meters of space to make earthworm manure. Your land is fertile or barren does not matter, you can make a good quality manure in it. First of all, you have to buy polythene or readymade vermibed to lay the ground.

It is needed because if you leave the earthworm in the ground without laying anything, the earthworms will go inside the ground. Therefore, first laying polythene in the ground or bring it from readymade vermibed market. Readmade vermibed in the market will get you from Rs 2500 to Rs 3000.

After laying polythene, make cow dung beds on it and put earthworms in it. Its width should be 3 to 4 feet and height 1.5 to 2 feet by mixing cow dung and earthworms. You can decide the length according to your place. Gradually earthworms will eat dung and convert it into manure.

This fertilizer is fully prepared in 3 months, thus you can get vermi compost 4 times a year. If you want to make fertilizer by purchasing readymade vermibed, then take special care of its height because if there is more height, there will be more heat inside the bed, so that earthworms can also die.

Vermi Compost
Nutrient quantity
Nitrogen 2.5 to 3.0%
Phosphorus 1.5 to 2.0%
Potash 1.5 to 2.0%
Magnesium 0.15%
Calcium 0.44%

Keep these things in mind while making manure
You should pay attention to this proper moisture in the dung bed, you should keep checking the beds from time to time, but also spray water in it.
Wherever you are putting beds to make vermi compost, there should be no direct sunlight. That place should be a mountain. Otherwise earthworms can also die. If you are putting earthworm manure beds in the open space, then to put a paddy straw for a cantonment in it. Or you can also make any other kind of arrangement for the shape.
To prepare vermi manure, you can also add organic items like dung, fruits and vegetable peels, crop residues, leaf, also.
To prepare fertilizer, the biological relics, leaves, cow dung, fruits and vegetable peels are going to be used in mind that things like pebbles, stones, glass pieces have not come accidentally in it, it can cause great damage to the earthworms. Is.
Whichever dung you use, it should be about 25 to 30 days old, as well as the heat and harmful gas does not come out in it.
Any organic residue you use to make manure should not be fresh, but should be a little throat and soft, besides it should also have some quantity of dung.
When the manure is ready, do not lift the manure completely completely, but lift it slightly and leave about 4 cm of fertilizer because it contains earthworms and its eggs.


Before collecting earthworm manure, it should be made well that the compost is completely ready. Earthworms have a tendency that they eat the upper part in the organic materials given to eat them and then slowly eat downwards. In this way, fertilizer is first prepared in the upper part.

When earthworms eat organic materials and convert it into vermi manure, then this prepared manure is odorless. Also, the compost becomes grain and dark colored. Along with preparing earthworm manure, it should also be collected. When the prepared manure is removed, the circulation of air increases in the remaining parts.

Due to which the process of making fertilizer increases. If you delay in removing the prepared earthworm manure, earthworms start dying slowly. Due to which ants are also applied in manure. Stop spraying water on it 5 to 7 days before you are about to remove earthworm manure.

So that the earthworm goes downwards. And you can remove the finished manure. You can use your hands to remove manure and when 75 % of the fertilizer is separated from the upper part, then put the waste waste materials again in the vermi bag, by doing this, the process of becoming fertilizer will start again.

How is the packing of vermi compost done?

After removing the manure prepared from the vermi bag, it is dried in the shade for 3 to 4 days. After that the compost is filtered with a 3 mm porcelain sieve. Earthworms and other unusable things are separated from manure when sliced.

After that the compost is filled in the bag and packed. In this, you have to pay attention that when you are putting fertilizer in the bag, then there should be around 15% to 25% moisture in the manure.

How to store earthworm manure

Most people do not pay any special attention to its maintenance and storage after making earthworm manure. Due to which the biological properties of Kachua manure are destroyed. Then it is not as beneficial for plants.

You should take special care of the things given below for maintenance and storage of earthworm manure.

Spray water from time to time as required to maintain moisture around 25% to 30% in manure.
If you want to store manure for a long time, then you can store a pit at moisture and shady place. Put manure in the pits and cover it with a happy grass or bag. To maintain moisture, keep spraying water in dry grass or sack as needed. In this way, his nutrients are not destroyed by storing manure.
If you want to store manure in the house room, then that room should be good clean, when you keep the manure in the room, then close the window and door of the room well. To keep the manure kept in the room safe for more days, covers it with sacks and do not keep the height of the folding of the compost more than 2 feet. This keeps the earthworm manure safe for more days.

How much will it take to start Vermi Compost Business?

To start a business of earthworm manure, you will cost 2 types of cost i.e. capital cost and recurring cost. In capital cost you need to spend only once. You will have to bear the expenses every time in the same recurring cost, whenever you want to make manure.

Talking about capital cost, it includes the cost of making beds, the cost of making sheds, buying earthworms for the first time and spending some important machines. If you start this business in an area of ​​100 square meters, then you may have to spend 1.5 lakh rupees.

Apart from this, expenses in buying cow dung, Paral to cover the bed, worker expenses, manure packaging, marketing, transporting will also have to be spent on Rs 1.5 lakh. If said, you will have to spend 3 lakh rupees in the initial stages.

After that, every time the recurring cost will have to be spent only 1.5 lakh rupees. If you have kept a lot of cow sail then your cost will be reduced even more because there will be no need to buy cow dung.

Earthworm fertilizer business profits | Vermicompost Business Profit Margin

If you start a business of making fertilizer in an area of ​​100 square meters. Then you will be able to produce 50 tonnes of manure in a year with 30 beds. If you also sell it in the market for Rs 10/kg, then you can easily earn 5 lakh rupees.

If you remove the capital cost and recording cost, then you will earn 2 lakh pure. You will have to put a capital cost only once, after that only the recurring cost will be found. That is, in the beginning you will earn 2 lakhs, but from then you will start earning 3.5 lakh rupees because there will be no capital cost.

Your earnings may be more than this because the manure packing in the market is sold at Rs 30 to 40/kg. Even if we accept the average of 30 rupees, you will be able to earn 15 lakh rupees in a year. In this business, not only you can earn profits by selling manure.

Rather, you can also earn money by selling Ketchuo. The number of earthworms will also increase throughout the year, their quantity can be up to about 4500 kg. Out of which you can earn millions by selling 2500 kg of earthworms. In the market, these earthworms are sold from 150 to 200 rupees/kg.

Even if you sell for 200 rupees/kg, you can still earn 5 lakhs by selling earthworms. That is, in total, you can earn 20 lakh rupees within this business in a year.

Where to sell vermi compost?

You can sell vermi compost or earthworm manure to farmers, besides, big traders can also sell fertilizer according to bulk. Farmers can use markets, agricultural produce markets, or other places related to agriculture to sell fertilizers.

Apart from this, you can also sell manure by contacting those who do business of plants nursery. Online agrarian commercial platform is also a good option to sell manure, so that your manure reaches many farmers.

How to marketing earthworm manure?

Marketing has an important role in every type of business. Marketing is necessary to successfully pursue business. You will also need to do marketing to carry forward this business. You can adopt the following ways to marry your manure.

Promote your fertilizer by creating an account related to business in various types of social media platforms and try to connect with farmers in the online platform and tell them about your product.
If there is any special thing in your fertilizer, then make the farmers and traders aware about the fertilizer and make them aware, which will help in increasing the sale of fertilizer.
Daily newspapers, local TV channels can promote fertilizer at local level. Farmers or traders who show interest in buying will contact you themselves.
To increase the sale of fertilizer, you can offer exemption or offers to farmers for some time. Or you can keep the price of fertilizer low. And you can increase the price when demand increases.
Cooperate with agriculture related shops or nursery in your local area so that your manure can be sold through them.
On the online social media platform, tell them about the benefits of fertilizer by joining farmers on the social media platform, how vermi compost can be beneficial for their agricultural work.
Evidence of previous buyers can increase interest in buying their fertilizers by telling other buyers.
To increase the sales of manure, you can also resort to online e-commerce website like Amazon, Flipkart.


In this post, we have shared information related to Vermi Compost Business in Hindi, I hope you have liked this information. In this post, I have tried to get complete information about Vermicompost Business Plan in Hindi.

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FAQ’s: Questions related to Vermi Compost Business
1. How many days is the vermi compost ready?

Vermi compost manure is fully ready in 3 months.

2. Can earthworm manure business start from home?

Yes, you can also start earthworm manure business from your home.

3. How many rupees a kilo is the vermi compost fertilizer sold?

Vermi compost is sold in compost market at Rs 10/kg but some vendors also sell packing organic manure for 30 to 40 rupees.

4. How to do business of vermi compost?

To start a business of earthworm manure, first you have to prepare a dung bed and then put earthworms in it. Along with cow dung, fruits and vegetable peels, leaves, etc. can also be added. Earthworm will eat these things and convert it into vermi compost. For which it takes 3 months. Similarly, you can get earthworm manure 4 times a year.

5. How much should be added to the vermi compost 1 acre?

2 to 2.5 tons of vermi manure can be used in 1 acre for lentils, vegetables, and oilseed crops. This organic manure consists of many other elements including nitrogen, phosphorus and potash.

6. Is it beneficial to sell vermicompost?

Vermi compost business is very beneficial, but the benefit in this business also depends on what level you have started the business. How much is its demand, which methods of marketing have adopted. And what is your strategy to pursue business. The benefits can vary depending on all these factors.

7. What is the difference between compost and vermi compost?

What is compost and vermicompost
Compost: It is a kind of manure in which the residues of plants, animal stool, human stool, waste of household, etc. are dissected in special conditions and converted into fertilizer.

Vermi compost: It is also a kind of compost that is prepared with the help of earthworms. In this, earthworms are given fruits and vegetable peels, cow dung, fields for eating. Earthworms eat these things and turn it into vermi manure. It is naturally prepared organic manure. Vermi compost is rich in many nutrients. Therefore, there is a lot of demand in organic farming.

8. Which is the best fertilizer?

Vermi compost prepared with the help of earthworms is very beneficial for plants and crops. It contains many nutrients required for plants. Due to which crops and plants remain green and growth is also quick.

9. Which organism produces vermi compost?


10. Where to buy earthworms?

To buy earthworms, you can search on Google online or go to Krishi Vigyan Kendra and contact. You will get earthworm 150 to 200 rupees/kg.

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