Rae Bareli ! Under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme by Hon’ble MLA Sadar Aditi Singh, Anganwadi centers, school boundary and inter locking were built under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. In these works made from MNREGA, Annapurna Bhawan Baghai Ahlwar, P.M. Sri Vidyalaya Amavan Boundreewal Construction, Anganwadi Center and School Boundriwal Tajpur, Anganwadi Center Roopamau and Inter Lacking works were unveiled. Apart from this, the Anganwadi center developed as a learning lab in Baghai Ahlwar from the convergence of MNREGA and State Finance was also inaugurated by Hon’ble MLA Aditi Singh. A program of baby shower of pregnant women and Annaprashan of children was also performed at Anganwadi centers.
In his address, Maud MLA Aditi Singh told the villagers that MNREGA is no longer a medium to provide 100 days of employment, but has become the axis of rural development. He said that the aim of the government is to make India’s future bright by creating good Anganwadi centers and expanding facilities in schools. Hon’ble MLA Aditi Singh congratulated the local villagers for the construction of these works and motivated the children to send regular schools and Anganwadi centers.
Block Development Officer Amavan should be present during all the programs and in all the programs, the Block Development Officer, while sharing information with all the villagers about the survey of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural Was done. During the program, the village head of all the gram panchayats, area panchayat members, and officers, employees and villagers of the concerned departments were present.