UP Farmer Registration Online -UP Farmer ID registration now

By admin
4 Min Read

UP Farmer Registration Online: The Government of Uttar Pradesh has launched a modern digital platform upfr.agristack.gov.in keeping in mind the interests of farmers. Farmers can register their Farmer ID through this portal. Its purpose is to bring government schemes and benefits to the farmers with transparency and easily. In this article, we will discuss this platform, registration process, necessary documents, eligibility and benefits related to it in detail.

UP farmer registration online

up farmer registration online
State Government Schemes
Uttar Pradesh
website launch
registration online

Benefits of UP farmer registration online

Direct advantage of government schemes: Through this platform, farmers can directly avail government schemes, subsidies and grants.
Information about new agricultural techniques: Registered farmers will be able to get information about the latest agricultural technology and government programs, which will be helpful in increasing their produce and income.
Digital Identification: This portal provides every farmer a specific farmer identity card, which is helpful in availing government schemes.
Transparent process: Through this portal, farmers will be directly benefited in their bank account, which will eliminate the role of middlemen.

Eligibility Criteria: Up farmer registration online

To register on this portal, the farmer has to meet the following eligibility conditions:

Permanent residence: Only residents of Uttar Pradesh can apply.
Agricultural land: The applicant should have a record of agricultural land.
Age limit: The age of the applicant should be 18 years or more.
Identity Card: Aadhaar card or other government documents are mandatory.
Required Documents: Up farmer registration online

The following documents will be required for UP Farmer ID registration:

Aadhar card.
Address proof.
Bank account statement.
Record of agricultural land (measles/Khatauni).
Passport Size Photo.

How to up farmer registration online

Visit the portal: First the farmer will have to visit upfr.agristack.gov.in website.

Click on Registration: Click on the “Farmer Registration” option on the home page of the website.
Fill the required information: Enter your Aadhaar number, mobile number and personal information in the form.
Upload the document: Scan and upload the required document.
Submit the form: After filling all the information and documents correctly, submit the form. Do not forget to note the application number.

How to check applications status for up farmer registration online
If you have applied for UP Farmer ID, then you can see its situation as:

Log in on the portal.
Up farmer registration online

Click on the “Check Status” option.
Enter your application number and Aadhaar number.
Your application status will appear on the screen.
The purpose of up farmer registration online
To connect farmers with government schemes through digital platforms.

To promote technological advancement in agriculture.
Implementing beneficial schemes to increase farmers’ income.
Ensuring transparency and fast process.

Things to keep in mind during registration: UP farmer registration online

Make sure the information given by you is accurate and updated.
Protect the application number and password.
From time to time, keep checking the status of the application by logging on to the portal.
For any problem, contact the portal helpdesk.
The main advantage of UP farmer registration online
Farmers will get direct benefit of government schemes, including subsidy, grant and seed distribution.
Priority will be given in agricultural loans and insurance schemes.
It will be easy to get the benefit of compensation during natural disasters.
Subsidies will be available on the purchase of fertilizer and seeds.

Up Farmer Registration Online : Important Links 

Registration online  Click here 
Check Application status  Click here 
Join Us  WhatsApp || Telegram 
Official website  Click here 
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