Sex life has an important role in making the relationship happy. Experts say that without sex, the relationship between couples is not strong and there is a sense of apathy in the relationship. With increasing age, there are many changes in the body. Sometimes sex stamina also decreases with increasing age. Due to which distances start coming in relationships. But many times a person starts being very irritable and stressed due to this low sex stamina. Many people start consuming many types of medicines to increase sex stamina, which are harmful for the body and do not give results many times.
Let me tell you, without asking a doctor, consuming more medicines also increases the risk of many diseases in the body. In such a situation, some drinks can be drunk to increase sex stamina. These drinks will not only increase sex stamina but will also help in keeping the body strong and healthy. According to experts, consuming these drinks will also strengthen immunity and also increase sexual power. Learn about these drinks …
Green tea: Apart from weight loss, green tea also increases your sexual desire. It works well in increasing libido in women. It increases blood flow in the genitals and increases sexual desire.
Black Coffee: Black coffee is often called mood -enhancing drink. The caffeine present in it doubles the sexual ability of both men and women. Some studies have shown that men who drink coffee daily have less problem of erectile dysfunction.
Red Wine: Red Wine is another beverage that increases sexual desire in both men and women. Women who drink two glasses of red wine have more sexual desire, while men’s testosterone levels increase.
Banana Shake: You can last long by consuming banana shake. This will make you strong not only physically but also sexually. Experts say that the bromelain enzyme found in bananas increases testosterone and libido in men.
Pomegranate juice: Pomegranate juice is a beverage that increases sexual hormones in both men and women. This women