Yogi government! Mau The Chief Minister Small Irrigation Scheme is proving to be a lifeline for the farmers of the district. Under this scheme, the government is getting the farmers boring on grants. 70 percent grant is being contributed to general farmers and 90 percent to scheduled caste farmers. This will end the irrigation of the farmers’ fields and they will be able to irrigate their crops easily. With this, farmers of the country and the state will be prosperous and the economic condition of the country will be strengthened.
A target of 2300 was set by the government for shallow boring in the district. So far 5405 applications have been received on the department’s portal. Now farmers can apply. This time farmers who are deprived will be benefited from the benefits of boring in the next session.
This year, more than the goal
The farmer had to submit only about some part of the expenditure in Bering through challan. After this, the department will get boring done. According to the department, the target of boring of 3000 farmers was set last year. Under this, all farmers were benefited. No application was paid. This year more farmers have applied more than the target. The remaining farmers will be benefited in the next financial year after the target. Their application will be kept safe.
Selection on first come first serve basis
According to the department, under the Chief Minister’s Small Irrigation Scheme, farmers have to apply to the small irrigation department of the development block to take advantage of shallow boring. After the application, eligibility will be checked by terrestrial verification. After this, benefits will be given on the basis of first come first serve.
Farmers apply
Assistant Abhiyanta Sudhakar Singh, assistant to the Minor Irrigation Department, said that farmers can apply from any public service center on the website of the department with the copy and statement of Aadhaar card, photo, Khatauni. After completing the application process, farmers will be benefited. If there is any problem, he can contact the office of the Small Irrigation Department at Vikas Bhawan.