Farmer ID number search
<% catList.forEach(function(cat){ %> <%= cat.label %> <% }); %>
<%- node_title %>
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By <%= createdBy.user_fullname %>
<%= node_description %>
<% } %> Read More... <%- node_title %>
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By <%= createdBy.user_fullname %>
<% if(node_description!==false) { %> <%= node_description %>
<% } %> <% catList.forEach(function(cat){ %> <%= cat.label %> <% }); %>
Read More... Farmers' ID : एक करोड़ किसानों को मिली डिजिटल पहचान, किसान सम्मान निधि में भी होगा उपयोग
Published On
By Satish Kumar
कृषि में डिजिटल (Digital) तकनीक को बढ़ावा देने के लिए देश के 10 राज्यों के एक करोड़ किसानों को अब तक डिजिटल आईडी (Digital ID) दी गई है। ये डिजिटल आईडी किसानों को किसान के तौर पर पहचान देती हैं।...
Read More... 10 million ranchers currently have computerized IDs connected to land records
Published On
By Satish Kumar
In a transition to foster a data set of ranchers which is connected to their property records, the horticulture service as a team with states has given computerized ids to 10 million ranchers across 10 states as on Tuesday, as...
Read More... PM-Kisan advantages won't be given without rancher vault, figure out how to get rancher ID
Published On
By Satish Kumar
The Advanced Public Framework for Horticulture (Agristack) conspire is being executed by the focal government to digitize agribusiness. Under this drive, state legislatures are leading a mission to make a Rancher Vault and issue Rancher IDs. Later on,...