Rae Bareli, DM and SP ! District Magistrate Harshita Mathur and Superintendent of Police Dr. Yashveer Singh inspected the arrangements by inspecting the Anganwadi center Chakshhabuddin of the development block Rahi. At the time of inspection, all 18 parameters of rejuvenation were found at Anganwadi center, 18 children from 3 to 6 years of age were present.
The District Magistrate took information from children about alphabetic knowledge and counting knowledge. The children were recited by adding 2 -letter words and heard from the children by the Superintendent of Police. During the inspection, a satisfactory situation was found at the Anganwadi center at the Anganwadi center, 25 to 6 years old, 45 from 7 months to 3 years and 10 dhatri 07 were found registered.
At the time of inspection, the District Magistrate gave instructions to develop 10 Anganwadi centers as learninglab in the development block Rahi, so that children can be provided quality education by providing them in modern facilities.
District Program Officer Vinay Kumar, Block Development Officer Gauri Rathore, Child Development Project Officer Surendra Kumar, Anganwadi worker Meera Sonkar, Anganwadi center Sahayika Suman Devi etc. were present on the occasion.