A review meeting was held by the Nodal Officer District/Principal Secretary, Transport, Social Welfare and Sainik Welfare Uttar Pradesh Government L. Venkateswara Lu during a visit to the district.
Reviewing the destitute cow dynasty in the meeting, instructions were given that 100 percent destitute cow dynasties should be preserved, farmers should be motivated to do organic farming, farmers should be linked to the cowshed site, farmers should be provided organic manure from the cow -site and they should be obtained from them. In the gram panchayats, where there is availability of land, it should be identified for the cow -site and transit, the quality of cowsheds should be increased.
While reviewing the Health Department, instructions were given that the availability of medicines at all centers should be ensured and it should also be ensured that the doctors do not write the drugs outside, if any complaint is received, then the investigation should be ensured if it is confirmed.
Amrit lakes and ponds developed in gram panchayats should be protected, ponds should be developed for water harvesting in the gram panchayats where there is availability of land, this work should be done under MNREGA. Plants planted in plantation should be preserved and plantation should be done on the roadside.
While reviewing the law and order, instructions were given that the SDM and CS should make a list of the most disputed/problem villages in their area jointly, there should be a disposal of problems by communicating with the people, in which there is a dispute, they should be resolved by talking to both sides and the dispute of land should be resolved without any discrimination, complete transparency and special attention should be given to them. He said that to make the people of the village happy, we have to work with a positive sense. The villages will have to work to be saturated with over all parameters, only then we will be able to make the lives of the people of the village happy.
The meeting was attended by District Magistrate Harshita Mathru, Chief Development Officer Arpit Upadhyay, Additional District Magistrate V. Amrita Singh, City Magistrate Ram Avtar, Joint Magistrate Prafulla Kumar Sharma, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Naveen Chandra, Project Director, District Rural Development Region Satish Chandra Mishra, District Development Officer Arun Kumar and other concerned officers were present.