UP News : Uproar after the death of a young man in Kushinagar Hospital, family members accused of negligence

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 Kushinagar ! Kasaya A shocking case has come to light in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh. After the death of a young man here, the family started creating a ruckus. The police explained to the people with great difficulty. In the RS Hospital (Saras Group) next to the National Highway of the city, there was a ruckus for five hours over the death of a youth injured in an accident on Saturday morning. It was alleged that negligence had been done during treatment. On the other hand, after the incident, the hospital operator and staff escaped. After much effort, the police could somehow capture the body.

24 -year -old Abhay Malla, Chandan Singh and Ankur, residents of Padri, Nebua Naurangia, collided with Nilgai at two o’clock on Friday night at Khaan Khadda, a village in Padrauna Kotwali, were seriously injured. People nearby sent the injured to the district hospital. Seeing the situation serious, the doctors referred the three to Gorakhpur Medical College Hospital.

During this time, if someone advised, the family reached RS Hospital in Kasaya with the injured. Treatment started here. It is alleged that it was asked to deposit Rs 1.60 lakh for treatment. One lakh rupees were deposited, the remaining was asked to be given after some time. There was no doctor in the hospital. Only two nurses were involved in treatment. Abhay died in the morning.

After this, the self -elaboration started a ruckus alleging negligence in treatment. Women also reached the village. From nine o’clock in the morning, the police kept trying to take the body, but the success was achieved at two o’clock in the day.

Hospital operator Adarsh ​​Dubey says that the young man who died had a serious head injury. The charge of taking more money is baseless. In the night itself, the injured were asked to be taken to Gorakhpur. Freedom themselves are negligent.

Inspector -in -charge Om Prakash Tiwari said that there has been a lot of uproar over the death of an injured at the hospital. On receiving Tahrir, action will be taken after investigation.

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