History Sultanpur
Historically, the past of Sultanpur district has been very glorious and glorious. Sultanpur has its own special place in archaeological, historical, cultural, geographical and athygical point of view. This district is proud of the taposthali of sages like Maharishi Valmiki, Durvasa Vashistha etc. This district has been existed. Despite many messes of the eternal law of the conversion, its existence has been intact.
Sultanpur District Gazetier, published in 1903, has highlighted some light on the history and the origin of the district. It has been observed that the Rajput families of different clans in the past were owned by most of the land. They had 76.16 percent of the total land area. Among them, the kings had a quarter of the district on a quarter of the district, as well as their relatives, Bachgotis and the princely states had authority at 11.4 and 3.4 percent respectively. The royal house was almost the owners of the entire Aldemau. His main was the king of Diara. The head of Bachgotis was the king of Kurwar, while the talukdar of Samrathpur represented another branch of the family.
The head of the kings was the talukdar of Pratappur. Another member of the Raj family was the king of Hasanpur. He was accompanied by family members of Maniyarpur and Gangev and they had a large part of the central region among them. Bandhalgoti comes with Bachgotis and his relatives who owned almost the entire Amethi pargana. His main was the king of Amethi, while Talukdar Shahgarh belonged to the same dynasty. The district had large assets Rajput spears Sultans, owned by 4.72 percent, Kanpuria was 4.7 percent, and Bais 2.8 percent. Half of the spears Sultans were Hindus and half were Muslims. He lived in Isoli, Musafirkhana and Pargana in Jagdishpur in the northwest corner of the district. Kanhpuria was mainly limited to Pargana Gaura Jamo, out of which almost all relatives were. Bais were scattered in small groups.
Another important branch of this land was the house of Raj Sah. Raj Sah had three sons, Ishree Singh, Chakrasen Singh and Roop Chand. Bijay Chand came after nine generations from Ishree Singh, who had three sons. Harkaran Dev, Jeet Rai and Jiv Narayan. Harkaran Dev was the ancestor of Dev Nanemaau Talukdar, the descendant of Jeet Rai, Meopur Dharala, Meopur Dhorua and Bhadaiya, and Jiv Narayan’s successor was the king of Diara. The fourth descendant of Jiv Narayan led the first of the six colonies of kings in Gomti. Doed and installed himself in Diara on the banks of the river. This gharana became one of the main branches of Bachgotis in Sultanpur.
In the early nineteenth century, Babu Madho Singh, in the descendants of Jiv Narayan, in the eleventh place, the property of which the ruler was included 101 villages. Babu Madho Singh, who is remembered as a successful king and who successfully managed his property, died in 1823. Her widow Thakurain Dariav Kunwar was one of the most notable women who not only bravely arranged her own despite the pain and upheaval, but she added more property in her lifetime compared to her husband. The straight line of succession ended with the death of Babu Madho Singh, husband of Thakurain. The next male collateral was Babu Rustom Sah, which was disliked. Babu Rustom Sah was in the service of the then Nazim Maharaja Man Singh and helped him to catch Thakurain and Thakurain had to write an agreement in his favor. This self -respecting woman was very sad and died after a few months. Rustom Sah was given the right to property by Nazim. Rustom Sah later came to know that his intentions were not good in the help of Nazim. After a war, Rustom was about to kill Nazim but on the advice of a Pandit that time is not auspicious, Rustom left Nazim. Rustom Sah later sought asylum on the British border and was made Diara’s talukdar which included 336 villages. Rustom Sah had given him excellent service during rebellion from the British.
This territory was very inaccessible between Say and Tamsa rivers on either side of the Gomti River between Ayodhya and Prayag. This region of Gomti is famous for Kush-Kashn since ancient times, this is the famous market of Badra made from Kush-Kash. In ancient times, the name of Sultanpur was Kushbhavanpur, which became the changing changing Sultanpur over time. Before the invasion of Mohammad Ghori, it was under the suzerainty of Rajbro, who had three states Isauli, Kulpur and Dadar, even today, their kilos exist in their kilos, which reflect the then pride and prosperity. According to Janashruti, today’s Garha village, located in the west of the Kudwar state, was one of the ten rivalry mentioned in Buddhism texts. The king of here was Kalambanshi Kshatriya. Its ancient name was Keshiputra, which existed until the thirteenth century of Christ. Barar Singh, the youngest brother of Rustom Sah, found assets of 20 villages and three strips in Pargana, Barasa and Aldemau. This property was known as Damodara or Sultanpur.
Sultanpur has been a historical contribution in the development of national consciousness. In the freedom struggle of 1857, the revolutionaries took a front with the British by stating the life of British imperialism. This district participated openly in the farmers’ movement of 1921 and in all the movements from 1930 to 1942 and in subsequent movements, the valor and valor that the independent fighters introduced here is historical. Farmer leaders Baba Ram Chandra and Baba Ram Lal are notable in this context, whose sacrifice is described. Jawaharlal Nehru has done his autobiography.