Who invented the train and when?

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In this post we will know  who invented the train  and when. As we all know, today the railway is considered one of the biggest means of transport in the world because every day crores of people travel by train. And as far as our country India is concerned, the railway has revolutionized the transport system of India. Railway is not only comfortable for traveling but its cost is also much less than other means. This is the reason why most of the people of India use Indian Railways for small and big journeys. Apart from all this, the train is also used to carry goods from one place to another.

However, in a developed country like America, 80 percent of the railway lines are used only for freight transport. But in a developing country like India, trains are no less than a boon because trains and metros in India have become an important means for the development of the country. Indian Railways is the fourth largest network in the world where crores of people travel every day. If you also know a little about the history of India, then you will also know that the British built trains in India. After this, they gradually laid railway lines in most areas of India.

Who invented the train

Richard Trevithick, an engineer by profession and resident of United Kingdom, invented the train. Richard Trevithick first pulled the rail with his steam engine on 21 February 1804. Although due to some reasons his invention was not very successful, but it inspired other people to make trains. If England is called the birthplace of the railway engine, then it will not be wrong because the idea of ​​​​train first came in England.

After this, many engineers experimented with making trains and the world’s first successful rail was built by George Stephenson on 27 September 1825. He named his first successful train Locomotion. George Stephenson was also a British engineer by profession.

The speed of the train built by him was 24 kilometers per hour. In this first successful train, 450 passengers traveled between Darlington and Stockton in England. Such success inspired Stephenson to establish his own company and work on railways in most countries of the United Kingdom as well as the United States and Europe.

Train information

You must have known that steam was used as fuel in the world’s first railway engine, but after this we got sources of fuel like diesel and electricity. So let’s know when these were used.

The world’s first train that ran on diesel was built in Switzerland in the year 1912, although an electric train engine had already been built before this. In such a situation, the credit for building the world’s first electric railway engine goes to Scottish chemist Robert Davidson. He built it in the year 1837 and this engine was operated by battery.

The first train in India ran on 16 April 1853 between Mumbai and Thane. It was run by the British. In this way, the history of railways in India is quite old. However, despite having such an old history, the nationalization of Indian Railways was done in the year 1951 after independence. Now the Indian railway network has become so big that it is counted among the largest rail networks in the world.

So now you must have known  who invented the train  and when. If seen, there is a huge difference between the old trains of history and today’s modern trains. Because when the trains were invented, their speed was 10 to 15 kilometers per hour but now the trains have developed so much that their speed can go up to 500 kilometers per hour. These are known as Bullet Trains. The first trains that were made used steam as fuel but now most of the trains in the world are running on electricity.

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