Home Tech What is Off-Page SEO? How does it work?

What is Off-Page SEO? How does it work?

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We talked about On-Page SEO (On-Site SEO). And we learned in detail what is On-Page SEO? How does it work? And what is the importance of On-Page SEO for a blog or website? Along with this, we also learned how to do complete On-Page SEO of a website? Today, taking this series forward, we will talk about the second type of SEO i.e. Off-Page SEO (Off-Site SEO). In this article, you will know  what is Off-Page SEO?  How does it work? What are its elements? How are they optimized? And  how is complete Off-Page SEO of a blog or website  done?If you  want to know about 

Off-Page SEO  or  

Off-Site SEO  in detail! Then this article is especially for you, read it completely. I guarantee that after reading this article completely, you will not have any question related to Off-Page SEO in your mind. You will become familiar with each element of Off-Page SEO. And you   will be able to do 

Complete Off-Page Optimization of your website.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO  is an important strategy of Search Engine Optimization  . Although it is a slow and time-consuming process but it is very important for ranking. That is why as a blogger you  should pay special attention to Off-Page Optimization along with On-Page SEO  . By the way, let me tell you that creating a lot of backlinks for a page is not Off Page SEO.

Off-page SEO is a very big and detailed subject. In which  link building  is an important topic. But this does not mean that as soon as you create a lot of backlinks for a page, it will start ranking on top. Or if you do not create backlinks, it will not rank at all.

Because Google has never officially said that creating backlinks is necessary to rank your page   . According to Google, backlinks are only those references present on other websites that point towards your website. That is, they tell search engines what other websites think about your website?

Because people only refer to their favorite products   . Like in brick kiln business, when your bricks are cheap and of high quality, you get a lot of  referrals from your customers  . This is exactly how backlinks work. 

But as I said, just creating backlinks is not off-page SEO. Off-page SEO is much more than this and comprehensive. But the question is what is off-page?  What is off-page SEO? And how does it work? Also, what are the main off-page SEO factors? And how is complete off page SEO ( off-page search engine optimization )  of a blog or website done? Let’s know in detail.

What is Off-Page SEO? 

Off-page SEO refers to the techniques that you   perform on other websites to increase  the SERP ranking of your website. That is, the optimization  that you do outside your website (on other websites) is called Off Page SEO. Such as  Guest Posting , Forum Posting, Blog Commenting, Directory Submissions, Social Media Sharing etc. Off-Page SEO helps in bringing traffic to your website from other websites and building trust.

 Although most people think  Off Page SEO means only  Link Building , but it is not so. Because there are many Off-Page SEO Practices  in which you do not create backlinks. You just leave your brand name or keyword. And this gives a good reference to your website.

When you write content on a topic on which Google has very little content, then it   gets ranked easily even without being  off page . But when there is a lot of content on a topic, then Google tries to rank the best content  . And for this, apart from quality, it looks at many other things. Like from where is that post getting references? How are the websites giving references? Etc.

On-Page Vs Off-Page

Although both On-Page and Off-Page   are responsible for  the ranking of the website. But there is a lot of difference between Off Page and On Page SEO  . On-page SEO tells search engines what a website or page is about? Whereas off-page SEO gives information about the authority and popularity of the website. That is, how popular is a website and what is its authority? This is a part of off-page SEO.

The second biggest difference between On-Page SEO vs Off-Page SEO  is that On-Page Optimization happens within the website. Whereas Off-Page Optimization happens outside the site. That is, when you do guest posting on another blog or website! Or leave a comment, you are doing Off-Page SEO.

Apart from this,  the third biggest difference between On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO  is that changes have to be made from time to time in On-Page SEO. Whereas Off Page SEO lasts for years. That is, the backlink you create in it remains for years. Unless someone removes it or the page on which the backlink is created is deleted. This   increases the domain rating of the website in the eyes of Google and other search engines.

Why is Off-Page SEO important?

Now the question is why is Off Page SEO important? Why off-page SEO is important? So as you all know that  content is the most important in the world of blogging  . But delivering the content to the right people is equally important as writing the content. That is why  Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  is needed. Although unique and quality content gets ranked easily. But sometimes a situation arises when there are many pages on the same topic. And all of them have unique and quality content.

In such a situation, it is difficult to decide which page should be ranked on top? And why? That is, on what basis should it be ranked? In such a situation, Google and other search engines  analyze content and on-page SEO as well as off-page SEO  . That is, search engines see how many people are liking your website? How many people are recommending it? How many websites are giving you backlinks? And how many of them  are quality backlinks  ? And how much is the website being liked on social media? And so on. 

That is, when there is a lot of quality content on a single topic! Then Google analyzes all these things. And on the basis of these, it decides the rank of the website. That is why  Off-Page Search Engine Optimization  is very important. Because with its help you  can increase the Domain Authority  . But before starting Off-Page Optimization, know this:-

Before Off-Page SEO

Off Page SEO is very important for the ranking  and  authority of a website   . But some people do not pay attention to it. They create backlinks anywhere without thinking. Due to which the authority of the website is harmed. Also the spam score also increases. Due to which the website has to be penalized. That is why while doing Off Page SEO, special attention should be paid to the following Off Page SEO Factors:-

Domain Authority

Domain Authority  is a score created by Moz  that measures the performance of a website. It is an important metric for off-page SEO and especially link building because it   helps to find  high authority websites . For this, it gives a website a score between 1 and 100, which  is called DA (Domain Authority). And higher DA is considered better.

Domain Authority  or DA tells you how old and reliable is the website from which you want to get a backlink. If you get a backlink from a website with low DA, then your website does not get any special benefit. But if you get a backlink from a  website with high DA  , then not only does your page  get link juice  , but the authority of the domain also increases. That is why, while creating backlinks, pay special attention to Domain Authority.


It is very important to keep in mind the relevance while creating backlinks. Because irrelevant backlinks cause a lot of harm to the website. Actually, there are two levels of relevance. One is of niche level and the other is of topic level. Niche level means that the  niche of the website from which you are taking the backlink and your website  should be the same. That is, if your website is a Tech Website, then you should take backlinks only from Tech Websites. This is a high level of relevance. And such backlinks   are considered the best and most relevant .

The second level of relevancy is topic level relevancy. This means that the topic of the page of the website from which you are taking the backlink should be the same as that of your page. If you create backlinks keeping in mind the relevancy of both the levels, then your backlinks will be the best and  high quality backlinks  . And this will benefit your website a lot.

For example, suppose your website is an  SEO website  . And you  write an article on the topic of Youtube SEO  . For this article, you find an SEO website on which an article is present on the same topic (Youtube SEO). Now if you are successful in adding the link of your article in this article! Then it will   be considered the most relevant backlink for your website.


While creating backlinks, definitely check the site traffic. Also see  where the maximum traffic of the website from which you are taking the backlink  is coming from? If most of the traffic is coming from inorganic sources (such as Auto Click Scripts, Spam, Link Exchange etc.) then avoid such websites. Because such backlinks can harm your website. Also, your website   can be blacklisted .

Because this  is an unfair way to get traffic  . And for this your website can be penalized by Google. That is why whenever you get a backlink from any website, make sure to traffic it. Also  check the source  and  quality of the traffic  . Because quality matters more than quantity. That means 1 organic visitor is better than 1000 inorganic visitors.

Backlink Type

While creating backlinks, it is important to see what kind of backlink you are getting? That is, are you getting DoFollow Backlink or NoFollow Backlink? Actually, there is a lot of difference between these two.

Do-Follow Backlinks  provide value to your website. These  links pass juice  . Also, they allow Google Bots to visit the website. That is why they are very beneficial from an SEO point of view. Although creating DoFollow Backlinks is a lot of hard work. But the more Do-Follow Backlinks your website has, the more value the website will get.

On the other hand,  No-Follow Backlinks  are such links which  Google Bots  do not follow. These do not give any value to your website. But this does not affect the ranking of the website. Usually Nofollow Links are created to maintain Web Spam and Do-Follow Backlinks.

How to do Off-Page SEO?

Now comes the turn of Off Page Search Engine Optimization. That is,  Off-Page SEO Kaise Kare?  And what things should be kept in mind while doing off-page SEO? So there are many Off-Page SEO Elements for this. But how can you use these Off Page SEO Elements? And which elements   can be included in  your Off-Page SEO Strategy ? For this, an Off-Page SEO Checklist  is given here. You can use this Off Page SEO Checklist to increase the ranking of your website:-

1. Social Media

If you consider social media as just a means of entertainment or time pass, then you are wrong. Because social media is not just a means of time pass. Rather it is a multipurpose medium. Which you can use for different purposes. Such as  for brand awareness  , to communicate with customers, to make new customers and   for marketing .

If we look at it from the perspective of Off Page SEO, then Social Media is a very useful tool. With its help, you  can increase the Search Engine Ranking  and Domain Authority of your website. Also, you can send traffic to your website. This helps Google to understand that you are getting traffic from various sources. And this   is completely natural traffic .

However, it is not so easy to get traffic from social media. Because people come to social media to pass time. In such a situation, it is quite difficult to take them to a website. But if you have fresh, unique and  high quality content  ! Then you can do this. For this, you have to share content regularly.

The more  connections you  have on social media, the more shares, backlinks and clicks you will get. Which will help in building domain authority. For this, you will have to create accounts on different social media platforms. And you will have to post content regularly. Share valuable posts daily for good connections.

2. Guest Posting

Guest posting or  guest blogging is like killing two birds with one stone. Because through this, you not only get a Do-Follow backlink but also build a relationship with other bloggers. That is why  guest posting is  considered  one of the most popular  off-page SEO practices .

For guest posting, you first have to find those blogs and websites that  accept guest posts  . Usually these websites allow you to add a link to the post. Which you can add inside the post or in the author bio. But the question is how to take guest posts? So for this you can do these things:-

  • You can search for blogs and websites on the Internet and social media that accept guest posts and contact them. 
  • After that you can suggest them some unique topics which are related to their website. And you can ask them to write a post on any one topic.
  • Once the topic is selected, you can write a good and detailed article on it and submit it. And you can get DoFollow Backlink by adding the link of your website with it.

3.Link Building

Link building is the most popular and most effective way of digital promotion. But it is a difficult and time-consuming process. Especially getting backlinks from . Edu  and . Gov  websites is even more difficult. But  the most special thing about link building  is that the more difficult it is to get a backlink from a website, the higher its value. For example, if you get a link from a government (Gov), educational (Edu), PR or a news website, then its value is very high.

Although Link Building is one of the most popular  Off Page SEO Strategy  . But it is quite risky. Because sometimes you create such backlinks, which prove fatal for your website. This causes the ranking of your website to fall. And sometimes the website even gets blacklisted.

That is why before Link Building, it is very important for you to know how link building is done? And what things should be kept in mind during this? Although there are many types of Link Building. But basically there are two types of it ( Types of Link Building ). And these are as follows –

Natural Links

Natural links are those links which are created automatically. That is, when a user or website mentions your page on their own will, then you get a natural link. And this happens when your content is good. That is, when a website itself mentions any of your pages considering it useful. Then your website gets a natural backlink, which  is the most beneficial and quality link  .

Built-in Links

Built links are those links that you create or get created by putting in an intentional effort. Such as Directory Submissions, Forum Submission, Guest Posting, Blog Commenting, Social Media Sharing etc. This is a very hard work. And it takes a lot of time. That is why some people  submit links  in  bulk with the help of different tools and websites  !

 This is considered a  very  bad SEO practice . Because through this your website gets thousands of bad links at once  , which are very harmful. Actually, when you get 1,000 or 10,000 backlinks in one click! Then you have no idea where and with which websites your website is getting linked? Usually most of these websites are of poor and low quality! Which instead of providing value makes you guilty of spam.

That is why it is very important to use White Hat SEO strategies while creating backlinks   . If you get a backlink from a forum or blog comment and it is irrelevant, then Google can penalize your website because such links fall under the category of spam. That is why create each link carefully.

4. Profile Backlinks

When you create your account on any website or social media platform, you are allowed to add a link in the profile section. This  is called Profile Backlink  . For this, you can create your account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. and create Profile Backlinks for your website.

5.Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a process of storing a web page online. With its help, you can save any web page online. And you can access it whenever you want. Just like you do with saved bookmarks in the browser. These types of  backlinks  are quite relevant. And your website gets good traffic from them.

6. Local SEO

Local SEO is very beneficial for a business. Because with its help a business or website  can be prominently displayed in local search results  . And a lot of traffic can be obtained. Along with this, new customers can be made.

Local SEO  is the process of optimizing a business or website for local search results. It is used by businesses that provide services in their surrounding areas. Such as hotels, restaurants, hair salons, air conditioning companies, supermarkets, etc.

Actually, Local SEO   increases  your online presence . So that local people can easily find you. That is, when you do local SEO of your business! Then people nearby reach you by searching it online. And this benefits your business a lot. To do local SEO  , you can follow the following steps:-

  • Add your business to local and national business directories. Google My Business (Google Maps) is a popular tool for this   . Here you can list your business and  rank it locally  . 
  • Add your business  to Business Listings  and  Business Directories  . Such as Trustpilot, Just dial, Yelp, Sulekha, Tradeindia etc.
  •  Encourage your customers  to review  and  rate .
  • Be available on all digital platforms. And always keep in touch with your customers. 

Off-Page SEO Tools

There are hundreds of Off-Page SEO Tools available in the market today   . But you need a tool that is easy to use and has all the features. Like Backlink Checker. Although almost all SEO tools have a backlink checker. But it is important to see whether it shows your referring domains, anchor text, their linking authority and other details. 

For example,  SEMrush  has a  Backlink Analytics Tool  that allows you to analyze your competitors’  backlink profile  and improve your website. Also, Ahrefs’  Backlink Checker  is a useful tool.

Similarly, brand monitoring feature is very important for a business.  Hubspot  ‘s social media management software is a great tool for this. It allows you to track brand mentions as well as your competitors.

While choosing an SEO tool, look for such an SEO tool which   is capable of identifying  good guest blogging websites . For example, Moz  ‘s  MozBar Extension  tells you about any webpage, what is its score, DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority) and other metrics. This helps you in finding good guest blogging websites.

Off Page SEO : FAQs

Q1. What is Off-Page SEO?

A:  Off-page SEO  is a group of SEO practices  that are performed on other websites to increase a website’s search engine ranking and authority. That is, it involves activities performed outside the website. Common  off-site SEO  strategies include link building, content marketing, social media marketing, guest posts, podcasting, and video marketing.

Q2. Why is Off-Page SEO important?

A:  Off Page SEO helps to build website recognition and  Domain Authority (DA)  . Your site will consistently rank lower than other websites if they already have more important links. While links are not just off-page signals but it also gives Google a reference of how useful and important your website is. 

Q3. How does link building work in off-page SEO?

A:  Link Building is an Off-Page SEO Technique that helps to increase the search engine ranking and authority of a website. Through this, Search Engine Algorithms determine the relevance of a webpage. When many websites link to a webpage, Google understands that the webpage is very useful for users. 

Q4. How to do Off Page SEO?

A:  For Off Page SEO you   can follow the following SEO Techniques :-

  • Brand Mentions.
  • Comments.
  • Forums.
  • Influencer Outreach.
  • Guest Author.
  • Broken Link Building.
  • Social networking.
  • To install Social Bookmarking.

Q5. What is Local SEO?

A:  Local SEO is a  Search Engine Optimization  strategy that is used to make a business appear in local search results. It is very beneficial for a business.

Off-Page SEO : Summary

Overall, Off-Page SEO is an important part of Search Engine Optimization. Which helps in building SERP ranking and authority of a website. It also   helps in building good relations  and  trust with other websites.

Let us tell you that Google always keeps changing its algorithm. That is why it is not necessary that your site should rank at the same position after the update as it is ranking today. That is why it is important that you keep   changing  your Off-Page Strategy . And  keep updating the Off Site SEO of your site.

However, Off-Page SEO does not end here. There are many other ways through which you can do better link building. For this, stay connected with SeviLink. Because in future you   will get to learn  more great Off Page SEO Tips  and  Tricks .

Hopefully through this article you have got useful information about “ Off-Page SEO Kya Hai ?” and how does it work? If you liked this article, then like and share it. And subscribe to Savvylink for more such articles. So that whenever we publish a new article, you get notification.

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