Full Form Of Computer
Knowledge of computer is a basic requirement in today’s world. Any person who is preparing for any job interview or preparing for any kind of competitive exam should know the full form of computer and the list of full forms related to computer. If you are preparing for any competitive exam, then you should be well aware of the weightage of each subject.
Do not know about the full form related to computer, even the full form or part of the computer.
Computer = Arithmetic Logical Unit + Control Unit
What is Computer?
, who used to do calculations (ie were mathematicians). When computers started doing the same work later, they came to be called calculating machines.
C = Common
O = Operating
M = Machine
P = Particularly
U = Used
T = Trade
E = Education
R = Research
Computer Generations
From computer generation, we come to know how technology changed with time and how the computer that used to come in a big room has become so small and powerful today.
First Generation (1940 – 1956)
Presper Eckent together developed ENIAC. Vacuum tubes were used in these computers. They were very large in size, due to which they used to occupy the space of an entire room. Computers of this generation were based on punch cards. Magnetic drums were used for memory in them.
Names of the main computers of the first generation: ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, etc.
Second Generation (1956 – 1963)
Transistors started being used in place of vacuum tubes in the computers of the second generation. Due to which the size of computers of this generation became much smaller than before. Apart from this, they were cheaper as they consumed less electricity compared to the first generation. However, punch cards were still used for data input. Meanwhile, high-level programming languages Cobol and Fortran started being used.
Third Generation (1963 – 1971)
Third generation computers were better than the previous two generations. Because now IC (Integrated Circuit) had been invented. The use of IC reduced the size of computers considerably. Apart from this, now they consumed less electricity and generated less heat. Fourth Generation (
1971 – 1980)
Now all the high-level programming languages (C, C++, D Base, etc.) started being used in computers.
Main computers of the fourth generation: DEC 10, STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1, IBM 4341, etc.
Fifth Generation (1980 – till now)
Some of the advanced technologies of this generation include Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computation, Nanotechnology, and Parallel Processing.
Fifth generation computers are the fastest, smaller in size, multi-tasking and more durable than all other generations.